Attorney Jacqueline Harounian Volunteers for Associations Against Domestic Violence

Domestic Abuse

Attorney Jacqueline Harounian of Wisselman, Harounian & Associates on Long Island has long been known as an active member of our community, working hard to build a better tomorrow. She has focused her volunteering efforts on the Jewish Community Relations Council – Long Island, of which she is an advisory board member. She is also a member of the Hope Against Domestic Violence Committee of UJA.

Both of these important associations are campaigning to bring domestic violence across the country and the world to an end. By bringing awareness to domestic violence in society, and by providing valuable resources to domestic violence survivors, the groups are making positive changes each day.

Recently, Jacqueline has been able to help the associations with several important community events and other charitable efforts. There have been book signings, galas, dinners, and even a striking art exhibit called “Walk in Her Shoes.” The gallery included 10 pairs of shoes worn by domestic violence victims, accompanied by their stories. It helped bring the usually taboo topic of domestic violence into reality for people who could not visualize or appreciate the issue from an outside perspective.

In order to help spread awareness and information about family violence further, Attorney Harounian created an article titled “Bringing Hope to Victims of Family Violence.” If you would like to read this piece — which highlights the societal problem of silencing domestic violence victims and the recent efforts of the Jewish Community Relations Council – Long Island and the Hope Against Domestic Violence Committee of UJA — by clicking here to load a PDF file. To learn more about each of the associations with which Jacqueline regularly volunteers, please click here for JCRC-LI and click here for UJA to view their official websites.

Do you require the help of our Long Island family law attorneys with a divorce or family law dispute that involves domestic violence? Please call (516) 773-8300 to talk to our attorneys about what to do next, which may include filing an order of protection.

Call (516) 773-8300 or contact us online today. Click here for a consultation!