The Retreat: (631) 329-2200
24-hour hotline; East End Shelter; adult/children’s services to non-residents; counseling; batterer’s program, Bilingual Services.
Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk (VIBS): (631) 360-3606
VIBS: Individual and group mental health counseling services over the phone, in-office, telehealth, and 24-hour emergency services for victims in crisis. Counseling is free & confidential.
Hotline (Voice/TTD), Counseling Advocacy, Court Accompaniment, Children’s Program, Elder Abuser Program, Batterer’s Program, Bilingual Services.
The Shalom Task Force Confidential Hotline assists victims of domestic abuse and their families in obtaining and maintaining safety. Highly trained advocates help callers address concerns about family abuse, sexual assault, healthy relationships, dating, and more. We provide emotional support, encouragement, safety planning, and referrals to local resources.
Call 718.337.3700
Call / Text / Whatsapp 888.883.2323
Long Island Against Domestic Violence: (631) 666-8833
Our hotline will continue to be a free, confidential resource for survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault and their loved ones.
Long Island Against Domestic Violence: Our hotline will continue to be a free, confidential resource for survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault and their loved ones. Call 631-666-8833.