Attorney Harounian Will Discuss Divorce On Air This Month
Our very own Long Island divorce attorney, Jacqueline Harounian, is scheduled to appear on the Hilary Topper On Air show later this month. On January 17, 2013, Harounian and Topper will meet to discuss a general overview of divorce and family law topics as they pertain to residents in the state of New York. On the agenda are discussion points concerning divorce, separation, matrimonial law, family law, and child custody.
On air, Jacqueline will delve more deeply into the common concerns and questions of divorcing couples and emotionally struggling families in Long Island and other areas throughout New York. Specifically, Jacqueline plans to address the ever-changing laws and legal developments regarding New York matrimonial and family law. From no-fault divorce to same-sex marriage, to anti-bullying, our attorney will cover it all.
Talking points scheduled for the show include what happens to no-fault cases of divorce as they are brought to divorce courts in New York; the differences between mediation and litigation, particularly addressing which route is best for any given couple; the process of a typical divorce; the current status of same-sex marriages in the state of New York; and the financial and emotional costs of settling a divorce vs. litigating.
With the divorce rate at a continual high, Jacqueline’s appearance on the Hilary Toper show is anticipated to be widely listened to. Covering topics that are particularly pertinent to many of today’s families, and singles for that matter, the information provided during the January 17th show could prove to be invaluable for the listeners who tune in. For those of you who would like more information about the show, or about our divorce services, we can be contacted 24 hours a day. Night and weekend appointments are available, and your first consultation is completely free of charge. Contact us for more information.