Child abuse and neglect and sexual abuse is a reality that exists in all communities, at every socioeconomic level. Although it might not be something you want to think about, there is likely a child you know that is being abused right now. It could be your neighbor, your child’s classmate, or a family member. It is happening right now.
One in ten children is a victim of sexual abuse. Moreover, 75% to 80% of children will not disclose the abuse. And here’s the kicker: 90% of abuse is perpetrated by someone known to the child.
The emotional and physical scars of sexual abuse and violence have a lasting effect throughout a victim’s life. The stigma and shame of child sexual abuse is extremely powerful. Professional counseling and support are essential to mitigate the trauma. With treatment, victims learn that they are not at fault for the abuse, and that they can move forward with a healthy self image, and healthy adult relationships.
Gathering of evidence from the victim is done by forensic experts. Children are not compelled to talk, but the experts are very skilled at making the child comfortable. You might be surprised to learn that dolls are not used during the child interview. The use of dolls is problematic because they can be overly suggestive to the child. Also, the child’s care giver is not permitted to be present at the interview. The non-abusive caregiver often has her own concerns, and is not always cooperative. The goal of the forensic process is to obtain credible information and evidence directly from the child.
If you are dealing with a CPS or child abuse issue, contact us at 516-773-8300.
False allegations of abuse can be difficult to uncover, expose, and prove. Especially when you are dealing with a very young child, or a child, who has been influenced by one parent against the other. Adversarial child custody battles are frequently where you find false allegations of abuse. All too often, one parent will make a false allegation of abuse against the other parent as a way of gaining leverage in a court proceeding.
In fact, it is an intentional and purposeful attempt by the accusing parent to throw the other parent under the bus and thereby gain all power in their custody dispute. As such, false allegations of abuse are a weapon of destruction in a family. False allegations of abuse become more disruptive and weaponized if they turn into criminal charges. They then become a sinister plan by the accusing parent to totally sever the child’s relationship with the “dangerous” parent by sending that parent to prison. We have handled many matters involving false accusations of abuse against mothers and fathers. It takes a tremendous amount of work to prepare court affidavits and applications, attach evidence and exhibits, coordinate with law guardians and child protective proceedings, and subpoena documents. Thankfully, in most cases, the facts come out and justice does prevail.